하하하 잉글리시

The book has a fourth-dimensional quality.



The books we are familiar with are typically made up of stacks of paper pages, giving them a flat, two-dimensional appearance when we open them. However, books are more than just flat objects. The words within the text can be seen as points in one dimension, coming together to form sentences and ultimately pages in a two-dimensional sense. Furthermore, books have a hierarchical structure with main chapters, sub-chapters, and subsections, representing a third dimension of depth. Finally, there are often connections between different sections of the book, such as related content or opposing concepts, which can be thought of as the fourth-dimensional element.

In summary, the dimensions of a book can be conceptualized as follows:

  1. First dimension: Keywords, which are like individual points representing the meaning of each word in the text.
  1. Second dimension: Lines and pages, where words are arranged into sentences and paragraphs, creating a two-dimensional plane.
  1. Third dimension: Categories, which encompass the overall structure of the book with main chapters, sub-chapters, and subsections, providing depth to the content.
  1. Fourth dimension: Links, representing the interconnectedness between different parts of the book, allowing for exploration and understanding of related concepts.

When reading a book, it is helpful to follow a systematic approach that considers these four dimensions:

  1. First reading: Skim through the text to gain an overview of the larger dimensional structure and identify the interconnected parts.
  1. Second reading: Engage in a thorough reading, focusing on the meaning of paragraphs and sentences, and identifying the keywords that convey the essence of the content.
  1. Third reading: Combine the overall structure grasped during the first reading with the detailed content observed during the second reading to deepen understanding and insights.
  1. Write a book review or summary, incorporating the knowledge gained from the previous readings.

By following this approach, readers can fully immerse themselves in the content and concepts of the book, enabling a more comprehensive understanding.

This approach can also be applied when summarizing reports or organizing any written content. By utilizing the four dimensions of a book, one can determine the larger category, establish subcategories, extract corresponding keywords, create a writing pipeline and process, set deadlines, conduct thorough research and analysis, and ultimately summarize and format the content according to the structure mentioned above. This ensures that readers of the report will be able to understand its intended message clearly.

In conclusion, regardless of the subject, it is beneficial to strive to read at least one book a month, utilizing the multidimensional nature of books to enhance our comprehension and knowledge.

한글 전체 번역


The books we are familiar with are typically made up of stacks of paper pages, giving them a flat, two-dimensional appearance when we open them. However, books are more than just flat objects. The words within the text can be seen as points in one dimension, coming together to form sentences and ultimately pages in a two-dimensional sense. Furthermore, books have a hierarchical structure with main chapters, sub-chapters, and subsections, representing a third dimension of depth. Finally, there are often connections between different sections of the book, such as related content or opposing concepts, which can be thought of as the fourth-dimensional element.



우리가 익숙한 책들은 일반적으로 종이 페이지가 쌓여 있어, 책을 펼치면 평평하고 이차원적인 모습으로 보입니다. 하지만 책은 단순히 평면적인 물체 이상입니다. 텍스트 안의 단어들은 일차원적인 점들로 볼 수 있으며, 이 점들이 모여 문장을 이루고, 궁극적으로 페이지를 이루며 이차원적인 면을 형성합니다. 더 나아가, 책에는 주요 챕터, 하위 챕터, 그리고 세부 섹션이 있어 깊이를 제공하는 삼차원의 구조를 가지고 있습니다. 마지막으로, 책의 서로 다른 부분 간에는 관련된 내용이나 상반된 개념과 같은 연결고리들이 있어, 이는 책의 사차원적 요소로 생각할 수 있습니다.


The books we are familiar with are typically made up of stacks of paper pages.
be seen as points in ~

In summary, the dimensions of a book can be conceptualized as follows:

  1. First dimension: Keywords, which are like individual points representing the meaning of each word in the text.
  1. Second dimension: Lines and pages, where words are arranged into sentences and paragraphs, creating a two-dimensional plane.
  1. Third dimension: Categories, which encompass the overall structure of the book with main chapters, sub-chapters, and subsections, providing depth to the content.
  1. Fourth dimension: Links, representing the interconnectedness between different parts of the book, allowing for exploration and understanding of related concepts.



책의 차원은 다음과 같이 개념화할 수 있습니다:

  1. 일차원: 키워드, 이는 텍스트 내 각 단어의 의미를 나타내는 개별적인 점과 같습니다.
  1. 이차원: 줄과 페이지, 단어들이 문장과 단락으로 배열되어 이차원의 평면을 형성합니다.
  1. 삼차원: 카테고리, 주요 챕터, 하위 챕터 및 세부 섹션으로 구성된 책의 전체 구조를 포함하여 내용에 깊이를 제공합니다.
  1. 사차원: 연결고리, 책의 서로 다른 부분들 간의 상호 연관성을 나타내며, 관련된 개념들을 탐구하고 이해할 수 있게 합니다.


"can be conceptualized as" (다음과 같이 개념화할 수 있다): 어떤 개념이나 아이디어를 특정 방식으로 이해하거나 설명할 수 있음
"like individual points" (개별적인 점과 같은): 어떤 것들이 개별적이고 독립적인 요소로 작용함을 표현
"providing depth to" (깊이를 제공하는): 어떤 것이 더 풍부하고 깊이 있는 이해나 차원을 더해줌을 의미
"allowing for" (가능하게 하다): 특정 행동이나 상황이 일어날 수 있도록 허용하거나 촉진하는 것을 나타냄

When reading a book, it is helpful to follow a systematic approach that considers these four dimensions:

  1. First reading: Skim through the text to gain an overview of the larger dimensional structure and identify the interconnected parts.
  1. Second reading: Engage in a thorough reading, focusing on the meaning of paragraphs and sentences, and identifying the keywords that convey the essence of the content.
  1. Third reading: Combine the overall structure grasped during the first reading with the detailed content observed during the second reading to deepen understanding and insights.
  1. Write a book review or summary, incorporating the knowledge gained from the previous readings.



책을 읽을 때 다음의 네 가지 차원을 고려한 체계적인 접근 방식을 따르는 것이 도움이 됩니다:

  1. 첫 번째 읽기: 텍스트를 훑어보면서 큰 구조를 파악하고 서로 연결된 부분을 식별합니다.
  1. 두 번째 읽기: 문장과 문단의 의미에 집중하여 자세히 읽고, 내용의 핵심을 전달하는 키워드를 식별합니다.
  1. 세 번째 읽기: 첫 번째 읽기에서 파악한 전체 구조와 두 번째 읽기에서 관찰한 세부 내용을 결합하여 이해와 통찰을 깊이 있게 합니다.
  1. 이전 읽기에서 얻은 지식을 통합하여 서평 또는 요약을 작성합니다.


Skim through
Gain an overview
Interconnected parts
Deepen understanding

By following this approach, readers can fully immerse themselves in the content and concepts of the book, enabling a more comprehensive understanding.

This approach can also be applied when summarizing reports or organizing any written content. By utilizing the four dimensions of a book, one can determine the larger category, establish subcategories, extract corresponding keywords, create a writing pipeline and process, set deadlines, conduct thorough research and analysis, and ultimately summarize and format the content according to the structure mentioned above. This ensures that readers of the report will be able to understand its intended message clearly.

In conclusion, regardless of the subject, it is beneficial to strive to read at least one book a month, utilizing the multidimensional nature of books to enhance our comprehension and knowledge.



이 접근 방식을 따르면 독자들은 책의 내용과 개념에 완전히 몰입할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 더 포괄적인 이해를 얻을 수 있습니다.

이 접근 방식은 보고서를 요약하거나 어떤 글을 구성할 때도 적용할 수 있습니다. 책의 네 가지 차원을 활용함으로써 더 큰 범주를 결정하고, 하위 범주를 설정하며, 해당 키워드를 추출하고, 글쓰기 파이프라인과 프로세스를 만들고, 기한을 설정하고, 철저한 연구와 분석을 수행한 후, 위에서 언급한 구조에 따라 내용을 요약하고 형식화할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 보고서의 독자들이 그 의도된 메시지를 명확하게 이해할 수 있도록 보장합니다.

결론적으로, 주제와 상관없이 최소한 한 달에 한 권의 책을 읽으며 책의 다차원적 특성을 활용하여 우리의 이해력과 지식을 향상시키는 것이 유익합니다.


Fully immerse oneself in
Establish subcategories
Conduct thorough research
Enhance our comprehension and knowledge: